Sunday, May 07, 2006

Cup of water, bread of life

It seems there are a lot more people and organizations out there today that really care about issues of social justice. There are also a lot of people and organizations that care a great deal about personal holiness and salvation. How do you balance both? Simply serving the needs of the poor and the hungry does not improve their spiritual health. Likewise you cannot preach salvation and ignore physical needs. To be a Christian means we must care about both. Jesus does. And he demonstrated that when he walked on this earth healing the sick and the blind. But he also preached repentance. My pastor spoke this morning about this and used the "cup of water and bread of life" metaphor as a reminder that our job is to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of our world. It's easy to be oeverwhelmed by the enormous needs of our world but if we each do our own part, no matter how little it may be we can make difference. I think that's what Jesus expects of us.


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